What's inside
- Unwaxed paper cups of any size
- Chain, leather, jute or poly rope
- Shredded paper
- Pellets, nuts or treats
- Zip Ties
- Optional:
- Beads or other small toys
- Coffee filters, corn husks or pieces of cardboard
- Scissors
- Hole punch
Step 1
Puncture cups with scissors and string them on chain, leather, jute or poly rope.
Step 2
Fill the cups with shredded paper, corn husks, coffee filters. Add a nut, a few pellets or a treat.
Step 3
To make the cups more difficult to open, punch holes on either side near the cup's lip.
Step 4
Use a zip tie or string to connect the cups.
Step 5
Secure both sides tightly.
Step 6
To make the toy more challenging, put a nut or pellets inside small cups, then put those inside larger ones.
Step 7
Add toys to the string or zip ties before tightening them for added interest.